Musings on New Years
The last couple of years have been full of change for me. I had been working at the same location for twenty years, until June of 2012, when I took a new job. I had been writing for just as long when I published my first novel in The Kingdom of Haven series, The Order of the Wolf, in April of the same year. Since that time many things have changed.
My old job was at one location, and in my new job I travel up and down the east coast. This took some getting used to, but I think I’ve transitioned pretty well. As part of this change, I moved to Charlotte in April of 2013. Charlotte is a great town and I really enjoy living in the Queen City. There is so much to do, and I’m particularly happy with the various options when it comes to writing groups.
I joined the Charlotte Writers Club and have tried several different writing groups around the city. I’m still trying to find my niche, but it is nice to have so many options.
One of my major writing goals for 2013, besides finding a local group in Charlotte, was to complete my second novel called Stenson Blues, the sequel to The Order of the Wolf. I’m happy to say that this novel is in the final stage of publication – I’m reviewing the proof today – and should be available for sale by the end of the week.
Another writing goal for 2013 was to revitalize my blog. I switched to WordPress this year and have been working towards better blog content. The blog still revolves around writing, but I’ve tried to branch off a bit into other areas of interest such as music and gaming.
The last writing goal I had for 2013 was to make my book available in local Charlotte bookstores. I did accomplish this and my book is for sale at Park Road Books and The Last Word.
My plans for 2014 are to complete the third book in The Kingdom of Haven series. I also plan to publish another, stand-alone, novel titled Half-Hand which is a nearly completed draft at this point. I would also like to reestablish an online presence in some of the writing sites that I frequented a few years ago.
All-in-all I feel like it’s been a good couple of years and I’m looking forward to continuing into the new year.