Time to Come Up for Air
I finished the draft of my novel tentatively titled Lion’s Pride on Christmas day. It ended up at 108,208 words. I still don’t like the title much, but it is the best I’ve come up with so far. This is the final novel in my Kingdom of Haven trilogy. I sent it out to a couple of people to read and give me feedback (and hopefully a better title), and then took a break. Okay, to be honest, I dove into Fallout 4 headfirst and just now came up for air. Maybe I’ll say something about Fallout 4 in a later post, but for now I’ll just say that it is addicting and is not helping my tendency for obsession with such things. I’m kinda surprised that my wife hasn’t tossed my new PS4 out the window.
I have moved on to working on the draft of Half-Hand, which is the next novel on my list to finish. It now sits at 93,260 words and is nearing completion. This is a stand-alone novel that I’ve been taking on and off the backburner for a while, but it is finally time to get it done. I’m anticipating being finished with the draft by the end of February at the latest.
On the editing front, I start my next class towards my editing certificate this week. I am looking for opportunities to practice my editing skills as I move forward with this class. To this end, I will be facilitating a novel critique group starting this month. Anyone in the Charlotte area looking to workshop their latest novel (that may be reading this) can contact me here in the comments section. Also, anyone looking for an edit for a short story can contact me as well.
I can’t believe it’s 2016. It feels like a new year, I guess. I’ll have my hands full with three novel drafts vying for my attention; finishing my editing classes up and getting some editing practice in; and a backlog of PS4 titles patiently waiting for my attention. It seemed like things slowed down for a year or so there, once I hit the big 5-0, but maybe it was just my imagination. Well, my wife does say that I live in my own little world, so it probably was my imagination.
Here’s to a year of writing bliss. (was that my imagination again?)