Editing Anyone?
I finished the UCSD Copyediting certificate program. The program consisted of four quarterly classes: Grammar Lab, Copyediting I, II, and II. The editing project for the last class was pretty challenging. I recommend this to anyone who is looking to improve their grammar skills and who wants to learn how to use copyediting marks, style sheets, and all that other editor stuff.
This is just one step forward for improving my own writing and helping my fellow writers. Eventually (sooner rather than later) I plan to dive into the editing side of the business. In the meantime, I would like to practice the skills I learned.
Any writers out there looking for an edit? I prefer to start with smaller works. I would rather look at short stories or essays than a novel at this point. Yes, this is a freebie, but I am not adverse to trading edits. I have a few short stories that could use some feedback.