Get out of my Mind!
I’ve been mulling over ConCarolinas since I got back from Europe. A year ago, after attending ConCarolinas, I planned to be the one sitting behind the table selling books this year. Alas, it didn’t happen.
I put in an application a few months back to be a guest (I think it was before I released book 3 of my trilogy). I’m not established enough to be invited, which didn’t surprise me. So instead, I asked for a table to sell my books. The reply was: they only give tables to invited guests. Seems like a catch-22 to me. Getting a table at conventions was part of my marketing plan to help get readers. It seems I have to first have readers in order to get a table. Which came first — the chicken or the egg.
This seems contrary to what I’ve observed at past conventions. I’ve seen plenty of beginning authors selling their wares. I guess it’s a policy shift or something.
So I was a bit depressed as the weekend approached and couldn’t decide if I was going to ConCarolinas or not. I’ve been several times, and it’s typically the same guests who I’ve met before. I like to go around and talk to the authors at their tables, but is it worth the 40 bucks? Especially since I’ve already met most of them before?
I decided to stay home this weekend and hang out with the wife, watch anime, start sorting vacation pictures, and work on my latest draft (beer or book, you decide.)
I haven’t sworn off conventions. I plan to attend ConGregate July 13th – 15th in High Point, NC. I am also making plans to attend DragonCon in September. Oh, and I will be selling books at the Riverside Mill Endless Yardsale in Weldon, NC on June 15th & 16th.
Okay, now that I got that off my chest, time to finish adding that extra chapter to my WIP. Oh, and here are a couple of cool pictures from my recent trip to Prague: