Midgard Blooms
Spring has finally arrived. I’ll admit, we didn’t have a cold winter here in Charlotte, but it’s still good to see the flowers starting to bloom. I planted these hellebores about three years ago and they finally grew enough to bloom this year. The name hellebores sound like a mythological creature, which is one of the reasons I like these flowers. It has a mythology of its own, often associated with magic and witches.
It took me three long years to convince this lone mythical flower to show it’s face to the world, but it took much longer to complete my latest novel. This one is my opus — a story I’ve been working on for a few years that’s finally ready to emerge into Midgard and test its mettle against all contenders.
You can find the ebook on pre-order on Amazon here with a release date of April 15th everywhere (and in paperback). If you’re into Norse and Celtic mythology, you want to read this one. . . and remember:
Even wizards dream of glory and Valhalla.