Citrus Trees

Hello World!

Let’s see, it’s been a couple of months since my last post.  What have I been doing?  A bit of traveling, a bit writing, and a bit of gardening in between.  All those bits add up to a lot to catch up on. Here in Charlotte, Spring has sprung. All the birds are twitterpated and […]

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I Love my Yard!

I live in one of those neighborhoods where the houses are close together and the yards are small.  I was worried I wouldn’t have room for a garden, but I found a yard that’s on a curve (so the backyard is a bit bigger) with an empty field behind it.  Also, I have a row […]

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What’s Wrong with Playing Ostrich?

I’ve been practicing my ostrich impression for the last week or so — burying my head in the sand to avoid writing and other people.  It’s not that I’m unsociable,  it’s more like I needed time to recharge. I don’t really get extroverts.  Supposedly they feel recharged when interacting with people.  How is that even […]

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Citrus Galore

I’m up to 4 citrus trees now.  Below you can see the Meyers Lemon is having a bumper year, but the lime tree in the background didn’t do much.  Of course, the lime tree lost its leaves over the winter, so I’m happy that it recovered. Also, it’s growing season seems a bit off.  It […]

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Oranges Anyone?

I purchased an orange tree, lemon tree, and lime tree about two years ago.  They are miniature trees and I grow them in pots and put them in the garage for the winter.  The lemon and lime trees both produced fruit the second year, but the orange tree was a bit different.  The first year, […]

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