Posts Tagged ‘Book Release’

Book Launches are for…..

My new book launched on January 29th, unfortunately with little fanfare.  I was in the frozen north on a business trip and had my hands full with the polar vortex, flight delays, and rental car flat tires.  Yes, yes I should have had posts set up ahead of time.  I have no excuses but the […]

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Why not Read?

Everybody makes resolutions this time of year.  Many people resolve to get in shape.  They join a gym or start a diet, stick with it for a month, and then lose their enthusiasm.  This year, I quit the gym and resolved to read more books.  I figured my shape hasn’t really changed that much in years (I’m positive […]

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Fred on the Head

Tomorrow my wife is going to have her head examined.  I don’t know what took the doctors so long.  I’ve been telling her she needs to have her head examined for years.  Of course, this is a CT scan to check her sinuses (or so they say).  I’m thinking I’ll go along and slip them […]

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