Posts Tagged ‘Free Book’

Book Launches are for…..

My new book launched on January 29th, unfortunately with little fanfare.  I was in the frozen north on a business trip and had my hands full with the polar vortex, flight delays, and rental car flat tires.  Yes, yes I should have had posts set up ahead of time.  I have no excuses but the […]

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Why not Read?

Everybody makes resolutions this time of year.  Many people resolve to get in shape.  They join a gym or start a diet, stick with it for a month, and then lose their enthusiasm.  This year, I quit the gym and resolved to read more books.  I figured my shape hasn’t really changed that much in years (I’m positive […]

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Coming Up for Air

I always do NaNoWriMo, but I rarely win.  Actually, I’ve won once (2011) – the first year I tried it.  November is just a bad month (for me) to do this, and I’m just not that fast a writer.  So I’m at 3000 words on day 11.  Not too impressive. November always seems to fill […]

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Are You Ready for NaNoWriMo?

November is upon us.  All you writers out there who plan to participate in National Novel Writing Month should be revving your engines.  This year I plan to start a new novel — The next book in my Black Sword Saga series.  Never heard of the Black Sword Saga you say?  Well, let me tell you […]

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Free Book – Why not!

I have decided to move away from KDP Select and make my books available on all e-book platforms (They’ll still be on Amazon, just not exclusively).  So I’m having one last Amazon Kindle e-book promotion before making the change: From Oct 29th to Nov 2, The Order of the Wolf will be available for free, […]

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Supercon and a Free Book

I enjoyed my visit to Supercon over the weekend.  It was really more a scouting trip than anything.  I have been looking at local writing events and conventions to try to plan out a strategy for book selling.  While there weren’t many authors at Supercon, there were a few and I had a chance to […]

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Goodreads Giveaway

Your wallet feeling a little light from the Christmas holiday spending spree?  Why not put in for a free book? There are only a few days left to sign up for the Goodreads giveaway of Stenson Blues: Kingdom of Haven Book 2.   I’m giving away five signed paperback copies as a promotion for the release […]

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Goodreads Giveaway

Who doesn’t like a free book?  Just head on over to Goodreads and you can enter my giveaway for a signed copy of Stenson Blues: Kingdom of Haven Book 2. This is phase 2 of my book giveaways to celebrate the January release of book 3: The Eastern Factor. If you don’t like to start […]

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