Posts Tagged ‘publishing’

Books Now Available on Kobo!

The first two novels in my Kingdom of Haven series are now available as e-books on Kobo.  Also, I will be sponsoring book giveaways for these titles in Goodreads to promote the third book in the series: The Eastern Factor.  More details to come.

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Coming Soon – The Eastern Factor

I’ve been working on the final revision of this novel.  It is the third book in my Kingdom of Haven series.  Soon it will be off to the editor, and then out in the world.   It will be available around November.  More details to come. In the meantime, here is the cover design by […]

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Contemplation on Writing

I’ve always been a contemplator.  I would say a thinker, but it bring visions of me sitting naked on a stone, chin-to-fist, and nobody wants to see that.  Not to mention, I’m guessing that stone is pretty damn cold.  So I use the term contemplator, and I think it is more accurate anyway.  I like […]

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