Posts Tagged ‘Short Stories’

Hello. . .Hello. . .Hello

Yes, I am still here. I don’t have to tell anyone about 2020. I was supposed to attend a few conventions, but that went out the window. I’ve never seen so many people excited to get stuck with a needle. I guess hanging out with yourself for too long will do that to you. I […]

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Writing Stuff

It’s been a busy week: The Eastern Factor is off to the editors, and I just finished with the re-edit of The Order of the Wolf and it is now live on Amazon.  You can also get a free copy if you sign up for my brandy new Author Newsletter.  I will be sending it […]

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I finally finished the last revision of The Eastern Factor.  Maybe I should call it the latest revision.  This is the one where I made much-needed cuts based upon feedback from readers.  It is the last revision before going to the editor.  Which means it isn’t really the last revision.  Wow, I talked myself down […]

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An Early Christmas Present – For Me

My short story “Santa Doesn’t Work Here Anymore” will be coming your way this Christmas.  It will be appearing in the anthology Short and Twisted Christmas Tales sponsored by the North Texas Speculative Fiction Workshop. This story has been sitting in my pile waiting for the right venue.  It feels good to get it out […]

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