Author Appearance

Hello World!

Let’s see, it’s been a couple of months since my last post.  What have I been doing?  A bit of traveling, a bit writing, and a bit of gardening in between.  All those bits add up to a lot to catch up on. Here in Charlotte, Spring has sprung. All the birds are twitterpated and […]

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Off to Supercon

So I’m off to Supercon. I’m looking forward to it, but I’ll admit I’m a bit discombobulated going into it. Here’s my conundrum: This is my first big convention with lots of cosplay. I’m enough of a dirty old man (probably man in general) to be looking forward to checking out the girl’s costumes. At […]

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How do You Convention?

I’m headed to Supercon in Raleigh this weekend.  To be honest, I have mixed feelings.  While I have been a science fiction and fantasy lover (geek, nerd, dork—take your pick) for my entire life, and have recently branched into anime, the idea of being surrounded by so many die-hard fans is a bit daunting.  I’ve […]

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Back in Weldon

I had a nice visit back in my old haunts.  Haunts seems the right word, because the old plant looks a bit like a ghost town. For those who don’t know, I work in the energy sector.  I spent many years working at a power plant in Weldon, NC.  The plant is now shutdown and […]

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Where are your Writing Roots?

Charlotte is my home.  I love it here and don’t want to live anywhere else, but I still feel out of sorts on the Charlotte writing scene.  It’s not the other writers I meet here, it’s me.  My writing roots lie in a small town to the east. I started writing in 1993, the same […]

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Get out of my Mind!

I’ve been mulling over ConCarolinas since I got back from Europe.  A year ago, after attending ConCarolinas, I planned to be the one sitting behind the table selling books this year.  Alas, it didn’t happen. I put in an application a few months back to be a guest (I think it was before I released […]

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I’m Home!

I just returned home from a series of long trips.  I spent two weeks in Europe (on vacation) and a week in Colorado Springs (business trip).  It seems like I’ve been gone forever (I missed sleeping in my own bed). I know there are some world travelers out there who love to be on the […]

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