
Hello. . .Hello. . .Hello

Yes, I am still here. I don’t have to tell anyone about 2020. I was supposed to attend a few conventions, but that went out the window. I’ve never seen so many people excited to get stuck with a needle. I guess hanging out with yourself for too long will do that to you. I […]

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Midgard Blooms

Spring has finally arrived. I’ll admit, we didn’t have a cold winter here in Charlotte, but it’s still good to see the flowers starting to bloom. I planted these hellebores about three years ago and they finally grew enough to bloom this year. The name hellebores sound like a mythological creature, which is one of […]

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Book Launches are for…..

My new book launched on January 29th, unfortunately with little fanfare.  I was in the frozen north on a business trip and had my hands full with the polar vortex, flight delays, and rental car flat tires.  Yes, yes I should have had posts set up ahead of time.  I have no excuses but the […]

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Why not Read?

Everybody makes resolutions this time of year.  Many people resolve to get in shape.  They join a gym or start a diet, stick with it for a month, and then lose their enthusiasm.  This year, I quit the gym and resolved to read more books.  I figured my shape hasn’t really changed that much in years (I’m positive […]

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Pre-Order Death-Bringer

My new novel is now up for Pre-Order on Amazon and here’s the cover.  The release date is January 29, 2019.  This gives me some time to solicit reviews before launch.  Here’s a blurb to wet your whistle: War is coming to the Norwood, and a strange warrior arrives with a black sword to lead the Nor […]

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Coming Up for Air

I always do NaNoWriMo, but I rarely win.  Actually, I’ve won once (2011) – the first year I tried it.  November is just a bad month (for me) to do this, and I’m just not that fast a writer.  So I’m at 3000 words on day 11.  Not too impressive. November always seems to fill […]

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Free Book – Why not!

I have decided to move away from KDP Select and make my books available on all e-book platforms (They’ll still be on Amazon, just not exclusively).  So I’m having one last Amazon Kindle e-book promotion before making the change: From Oct 29th to Nov 2, The Order of the Wolf will be available for free, […]

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Hey, I’m Revising Here!

I always feel bad when I’ve let too much time pass between blog posts.  Trust me, I have plenty of excuses.  Unfortunately, I was raised on a diet of “stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about” and “I don’t want to hear your excuses.”  So even on a blog, where you can’t […]

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What’s Wrong with Playing Ostrich?

I’ve been practicing my ostrich impression for the last week or so — burying my head in the sand to avoid writing and other people.  It’s not that I’m unsociable,  it’s more like I needed time to recharge. I don’t really get extroverts.  Supposedly they feel recharged when interacting with people.  How is that even […]

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