
All Things Fade

“All things fade and quickly turn to myth.” — Marcus Aurelius 2019 was a tough year.  I kept thinking it was going to slow down, but it wasn’t to be.  I was away from home every month for work, family, or writing.  On a positive(?) note, I visited much of the United States this past […]

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Rain, Rain, Go Away

We’re just now getting rain from Florence here in Charlotte.  It’s supposed to keep falling until Monday or Tuesday as this storm meanders through South Carolina.  Luckily, it is now a tropical storm, so we don’t have to deal with the high winds. I saw a news show on the local television station yesterday that […]

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Anniversaries, Writing, and Fat-boy Pants

Yesterday was my 30th wedding anniversary.  As I tell my wife, it’s been thirty looong glorious years.  It was also her birthday (I’m not saying how many, because I want to live to see another day), and my parent’s wedding anniversary.  As if that wasn’t enough, I finished the latest revision of my book (Now […]

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I Can’t Afford to Save any more Money

I went grocery shopping with my wife the other day.  The store had several sales going on:  buy one get one free, buy two get three free, two for five dollars, etc. As my wife placed each of these items in our cart, I’d ask “do we need that?”  And she looked at me like […]

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Everything has been Done Before

What is so bad about a cliché? I see the comment sometimes in critiques — “This is a cliché.”  Some people say it so much that pointing out a cliché has become a cliché.  Is that like the pot calling the kettle black? My first response is usually, “So what?”  I guess I don’t get […]

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Move Over Shakespeare

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a rich patron to support your artistic endeavors?  No more can’t-afford-to-quit-my-day-job blues.  You could be like Shakespeare and have your writing supported by the Queen of England, or maybe Michaelangelo, who had the financial backing of the pope.  Imagine the heights to which your art will soar. Or maybe, […]

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The Perfect Snack

We all have our dietary weaknesses.  That one food that tempts you more than any other.  Maybe it’s a cheeseburger, or pizza, or ice cream. I know it will come as a shock to anyone who’s read this blog, but Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are my dietary Achilles heel.  I mean, whoever came up with […]

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Silence is Golden

This year I’ll have been married for thirty glorious years.  Yes, with the same woman.  We know each other better than peanut butter knows jelly.  Our secret to staying together is that we have a system worked out.  I know she’s going to tell me how to do something (everything), and she knows I’m going […]

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Where’s Your Sandwich?

  I went out to eat with my family a few years ago at one of those gas station places with multiple fast food joints inside.  We went our separate ways to get food, and I ended up at Subway.  The line was long and by the time I got to the front of the […]

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Ah Rats!

I ran across an article a couple of months ago about a new species of rat discovered in the Solomon Islands.  This rat can weigh more than two pounds and grow up to a foot and a half in length.  Apparently, it lives in trees and eats coconuts.  Not only eats them, but cracks open […]

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