
Midgard Blooms

Spring has finally arrived. I’ll admit, we didn’t have a cold winter here in Charlotte, but it’s still good to see the flowers starting to bloom. I planted these hellebores about three years ago and they finally grew enough to bloom this year. The name hellebores sound like a mythological creature, which is one of […]

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Rain, Rain, Go Away

We’re just now getting rain from Florence here in Charlotte.  It’s supposed to keep falling until Monday or Tuesday as this storm meanders through South Carolina.  Luckily, it is now a tropical storm, so we don’t have to deal with the high winds. I saw a news show on the local television station yesterday that […]

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I Love the Mountains!

There are so many interesting places to visit in the Smokey Mountains.  I was just at Sugar Mountain, and now here I go again.  This time we visited Lake Lure for a couple of days to meet up with some friends.  Lake Lure is about two hours west of Charlotte and is named one of […]

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What’s Wrong with Playing Ostrich?

I’ve been practicing my ostrich impression for the last week or so — burying my head in the sand to avoid writing and other people.  It’s not that I’m unsociable,  it’s more like I needed time to recharge. I don’t really get extroverts.  Supposedly they feel recharged when interacting with people.  How is that even […]

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Ah Rats!

I ran across an article a couple of months ago about a new species of rat discovered in the Solomon Islands.  This rat can weigh more than two pounds and grow up to a foot and a half in length.  Apparently, it lives in trees and eats coconuts.  Not only eats them, but cracks open […]

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Sugar Mountain Day 2

When I was a young man (and quite a bit more antisocial than I am now) I thought it would be cool to be one of those hermits living on a mountain top.  You know, meditating and contemplating the meaning of the universe with no one around to bother you.  It sounded kinda cool, but […]

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Writing on a Mountain

So I’m sitting up on Sugar Mountain looking for inspiration.  The wife and I came up for the weekend, and I stayed for the rest of the week to try to finish the draft of my latest novel. We had a good time traipsing about over the weekend.  The highlight was hiking to the overlook […]

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What Do You See?

I walked outside the other day to check on my garden and this is what I saw.   He was actually closer when I walked up on him, but I didn’t have my glasses on and it took me a bit to find the camera button on my phone.  Even then, I wasn’t sure I […]

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