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Gun X Sword

I admit I’m drawn to dark and gritty characters.  I like a flawed protagonist that must overcome their own internal demons more than their external ones.   The latest character that has caught my attention is Van from the anime Gun X Sword.     Dressed in a black tuxedo and wearing an epic black hat, […]

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My Latest Favorite Protagonist

My new favorite protagonist is Cullen Bohannan from the Television show Hell on Wheels.  I just finished watching the show on Netflix. Wow, great writing, and great acting by Anson Mount.  The character is flawed, and yet you can’t help but cheer him on.  Throughout the show, the complexity of his character is revealed in […]

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Cliff Hanger or Cheap Trick?

  A couple of recent season finales have made me think about how to do a cliffhanger right.  To be honest, the last season finale of The Walking Dead pissed me off enough to stop watching the show, and it made me think about how they did it wrong. To do a cliffhanger correctly, you […]

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