
Hello World!

Let’s see, it’s been a couple of months since my last post.  What have I been doing?  A bit of traveling, a bit writing, and a bit of gardening in between.  All those bits add up to a lot to catch up on. Here in Charlotte, Spring has sprung. All the birds are twitterpated and […]

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Dragon Con was Sick

I finally figured out what the kids are talking about.  I got sick while at Dragon Con (that’s what it means–right?).  I guess it was inevitable with all those people that someone was infected.  I mean, we were packed in so tightly in some places that I’m sure the guy next to me knew when […]

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My Favorite Things from 2015

Favorite Book – Pueblos, Spaniards, and the Kingdom of New Mexico by John L. Kessell. I typically read more fantasy and historical fiction than anything else, but I do enjoy an occasional historical text. With my recent interest in genealogy, this book hit the spot.   My family originally settled in New Mexico during the Spanish […]

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I Love Old Churches

Here is the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  The original church on this site was built in 1626 but was destroyed in the 1680 Pueblo revolt.  This particular church was built in the late 1800’s. The San Miguel Mission church in Santa Fe is the oldest church structure […]

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Travel Overload

The month of September has been a blur.  In the last few weeks, I’ve visited New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington state.  Part was vacation and part was work, but it has been a busy time.  I think I wore out a pair of shoes hiking around the various states.  When I say “hiking”, I’m […]

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Remember to Visit the Alamo

I recently traveled to San Antonio for a business trip.  As much as I travel, I typically don’t look forward to any new trips being added to my schedule, but I was excited at the chance to visit the Alamo.  Anyone that has sat through a U.S. History class has heard of the Alamo.  Being […]

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