Writing Process

12 Years of Writing

During my first year of writing, I managed to produce – A book for you to read.   On my second year of writing, I decided to reach out with two Twitter feeds, and a book for you to read.   On my third year of writing, I decided to join three writers groups, had […]

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Dragon Con is Huge

I’m down in Atlanta for the weekend to attend Dragon Con.  I’ve been to several smaller Cons over the years, but not one of this size.  My wife came along, and we went over to the Sheraton to get our badges this afternoon.  The line wasn’t too bad, but I got a good idea of […]

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Where are your Writing Roots?

Charlotte is my home.  I love it here and don’t want to live anywhere else, but I still feel out of sorts on the Charlotte writing scene.  It’s not the other writers I meet here, it’s me.  My writing roots lie in a small town to the east. I started writing in 1993, the same […]

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Move Over Shakespeare

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a rich patron to support your artistic endeavors?  No more can’t-afford-to-quit-my-day-job blues.  You could be like Shakespeare and have your writing supported by the Queen of England, or maybe Michaelangelo, who had the financial backing of the pope.  Imagine the heights to which your art will soar. Or maybe, […]

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Free Book Marketing?

Deciding how to spend your marketing dollars on your indie book is tough.  After paying for an editor and book cover, now you have to decide how much to spend on marketing.  You’re already in the hole, and you wonder if your book will ever earn enough to recoup what you already have in it.  […]

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How Many Times do you Sneeze?

Ahhhh-chooo! Sounds like a strange question, right?  Let me take you on a guided tour of my mind (Buckle up, this could get bumpy). I always sneeze twice—not once, not three times, but twice—every time.  I can’t explain this.  When I sneeze, my wife will just stop and wait for the second one.  No use […]

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