Posts Tagged ‘Flowers’

Midgard Blooms

Spring has finally arrived. I’ll admit, we didn’t have a cold winter here in Charlotte, but it’s still good to see the flowers starting to bloom. I planted these hellebores about three years ago and they finally grew enough to bloom this year. The name hellebores sound like a mythological creature, which is one of […]

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Off to Supercon

So I’m off to Supercon. I’m looking forward to it, but I’ll admit I’m a bit discombobulated going into it. Here’s my conundrum: This is my first big convention with lots of cosplay. I’m enough of a dirty old man (probably man in general) to be looking forward to checking out the girl’s costumes. At […]

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Hey, I’m Revising Here!

I always feel bad when I’ve let too much time pass between blog posts.  Trust me, I have plenty of excuses.  Unfortunately, I was raised on a diet of “stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about” and “I don’t want to hear your excuses.”  So even on a blog, where you can’t […]

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What’s Wrong with Playing Ostrich?

I’ve been practicing my ostrich impression for the last week or so — burying my head in the sand to avoid writing and other people.  It’s not that I’m unsociable,  it’s more like I needed time to recharge. I don’t really get extroverts.  Supposedly they feel recharged when interacting with people.  How is that even […]

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Flower Power #2

I love lots of colors in the yard.  This Portulaca is hanging near my front door.  The flowers only open during the day and and stand up towards the sun.  They close up at night and droop down. This hibiscus bush has pretty purple flowers.  I put it in two years ago and it is […]

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Flower Power

My wife received this White Amaryllis as a gift from Belks two years ago for buying her favorite perfume.  Well actually, I bought her the perfume for Christmas and got this flower as a gift.  It did well the first year, but didn’t bloom last year.  I guess the third year is the charm.  It […]

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