
Hello World!

Let’s see, it’s been a couple of months since my last post.  What have I been doing?  A bit of traveling, a bit writing, and a bit of gardening in between.  All those bits add up to a lot to catch up on. Here in Charlotte, Spring has sprung. All the birds are twitterpated and […]

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World Fantasy Convention

I went to the World Fantasy Convention in Baltimore at the beginning of the month.  Overall, I’d have to say that I was underwhelmed. This convention is only for fantasy literature.  There were no people in costume, games, or movie stars.  I don’t typically get into that stuff, so I thought this would work well […]

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Dragon Con was Sick

I finally figured out what the kids are talking about.  I got sick while at Dragon Con (that’s what it means–right?).  I guess it was inevitable with all those people that someone was infected.  I mean, we were packed in so tightly in some places that I’m sure the guy next to me knew when […]

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Dragon Con is Huge

I’m down in Atlanta for the weekend to attend Dragon Con.  I’ve been to several smaller Cons over the years, but not one of this size.  My wife came along, and we went over to the Sheraton to get our badges this afternoon.  The line wasn’t too bad, but I got a good idea of […]

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How do You Convention?

I’m headed to Supercon in Raleigh this weekend.  To be honest, I have mixed feelings.  While I have been a science fiction and fantasy lover (geek, nerd, dork—take your pick) for my entire life, and have recently branched into anime, the idea of being surrounded by so many die-hard fans is a bit daunting.  I’ve […]

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Get out of my Mind!

I’ve been mulling over ConCarolinas since I got back from Europe.  A year ago, after attending ConCarolinas, I planned to be the one sitting behind the table selling books this year.  Alas, it didn’t happen. I put in an application a few months back to be a guest (I think it was before I released […]

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But it’s Cozy in Here!

Marketing is for the birds! At least that is what I want to say.  I should be able to stay in my warm cozy little writing cocoon and not worry about such things.  Well, to stick with the bird analogy, maybe I’ll stay right here in my protective shell instead. The temptation is strong.  I […]

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I attended ConCarolinas yesterday with my daughter.  It has become somewhat of a tradition for us to attend cons.  We shoot for the smaller local cons because they are typically more intimate than some of the bigger ones.  We started years ago with MarsCon out of Williamsburg, VA; tried out RavenCon in Richmond, VA; StellarCon […]

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