Posts Tagged ‘anime’

Gun X Sword

I admit I’m drawn to dark and gritty characters.  I like a flawed protagonist that must overcome their own internal demons more than their external ones.   The latest character that has caught my attention is Van from the anime Gun X Sword.     Dressed in a black tuxedo and wearing an epic black hat, […]

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I am an Anime Junkie

I’m not quite sure why I’m so embarrassed to admit this.  Well, I know that I’m a grown man that likes to watch cartoons, and some people think that’s weird, but I’m starting to get old enough that I don’t care.  To tell the truth, I’ve never truly cared about what other people think, but […]

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I like to watch anime, but it is rare that I find an anime series that I feel is worth recommending to others. It has to be different somehow.  It has to more than entertain, but make me think. Noragami is an anime series that follows the exploits of the god Yato. Yato is a […]

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Xam’d Lost Memories

Did you ever watch a show that made no sense, but still was enjoyable? Seems odd, but that’s how Xam’d Lost Memories worked for me. The animation was awesome, the characters engaging, and storyline action-packed, but I’m still not sure what exactly was going on. My happy confusion starts with the theme song. It’s catchy […]

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Attack on Titan

At first glance, this anime seemed a bit lame and gory. The first time a Titan appears on the screen they look a bit odd, but not all that menacing. Then the blood starts flying and you realize they’re pretty damn indestructible. I like this anime because it keeps you guessing. There are so many […]

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Darker than Black — Awesome Anime

I’ve always liked animation.  I was a cartoon junkie as a kid — Looney Tunes rock — and I’ve always loved Science Fiction and Fantasy.  It’s amazing it took me so long to appreciate anime.  Over the last few months I’ve tried out quite a few anime titles and can say without a doubt that my […]

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