Posts Tagged ‘NaNoWriMo’

Coming Up for Air

I always do NaNoWriMo, but I rarely win.  Actually, I’ve won once (2011) – the first year I tried it.  November is just a bad month (for me) to do this, and I’m just not that fast a writer.  So I’m at 3000 words on day 11.  Not too impressive. November always seems to fill […]

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Are You Ready for NaNoWriMo?

November is upon us.  All you writers out there who plan to participate in National Novel Writing Month should be revving your engines.  This year I plan to start a new novel — The next book in my Black Sword Saga series.  Never heard of the Black Sword Saga you say?  Well, let me tell you […]

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It’s that time again.  National Novel Writing Month is upon us.  I will be participating this year.  I’ll be working on a partially complete novel that I need to finish – The Queen’s Man.  It currently sits at around 30,000 words, so if I hit the 50,000 mark for NaNoWriMo it’ll get me to a […]

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Almost There

I started out NaNoWriMo with high hopes, and was not disappointed.  No, I didn’t make 50,000 words, but I did kick my latest project back into high gear.  To do this, I started tracking my word count at the beginning of November.  Seeing this progress helped me to push forward.  From then until now, I’ve […]

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NaNoWriMo Karma

It never fails: when I choose to do NaNoWriMo my schedule gets squirrelly.  So far this month I’ve had four actual writing days for a total of 2835 words.  So I’m averaging about 700 words a day on those days (which is about my normal daily word count).  I have a rule that I do […]

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National Novel Writing Month is upon us.  I participated for the first time in 2011 and hit my 50,000 word goal with a novel titled Half-hand.  I never quite finished that novel because I decided to complete a trilogy I was working on first.  In 2012 I participated with the second book in my Kingdom […]

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