I own a classic truck. A good definition of a classic vehicle is that it’s old enough that no one else wants to buy it from you, but not so far gone that it’s ready for the junkyard. This one’s a 1995 F-150. Of course, some dealer would be happy to give me a “good […]
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I went grocery shopping with my wife the other day. The store had several sales going on: buy one get one free, buy two get three free, two for five dollars, etc. As my wife placed each of these items in our cart, I’d ask “do we need that?” And she looked at me like […]
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I’ve driven all across the country, and I have taken the driver’s test in several states over the years (California was, by far, the hardest test). I had to renew my driver’s license this past year, which was basically an online renewal form. It got me wondering how I’d fare with the driver’s test today? […]
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I looked in the mirror the other morning and was shocked by what I saw. Where did that belly come from? I know it wasn’t there yesterday: Of course, this is a bad time of the year for gaining weight. It’s getting cold outside and I’m getting less active (“less active” is code for I’m […]
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Some lady yelled “Loser!” at me the other day. I don’t know why. I was driving well within the speed limit. Then I got to thinking maybe she was right. My mom always told me that I’d lose my brain if it wasn’t attached. Come to think of it, my wife tells me all the […]
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I talk about all my favorite things on this blog except food. Why you ask? (you know I’m going to tell you anyway.) My brain works in peculiar ways, and I often feel it is just as important to explain why I don’t do things than it is to explain why I do. This habit […]
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I just finished reading The Way of the Samurai by Inazo Nitobe. Nitobe was of the samurai class in Japan but was western educated. He wrote The Way of the Samurai in English in 1900 around the time Japan was westernizing. Nitobe does a good job of explaining the philosophy of the samurai as it […]
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Where do your writing ideas come from? For a long time I didn’t really have an answer for that question. Where did they come from? Imagination, yeah of course, but what was the spark that brought the idea to life? Many of my stories, especially my short stories, have come from writing prompts. I’ve belonged […]
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Recently, several companies that work with developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) sent an open letter to the UN. The letter was to voice concerns over the use of AI in weapons. These companies are concerned that AI will be used to develop weapons that will act independently of humans. They call it the “third revolution in […]
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My daughter calls me Super Genius, but not in a good way. She doesn’t mean Fruit Loops with marshmallows genius (If you haven’t tried this perfect breakfast cereal, stop denying yourself). When she calls me Super Genius, the words are accompanied by a smirk and an eye roll. She means Wile E. Coyote Super Genius. […]
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