Posts Tagged ‘Editing’

Who’s Telling your Story?

Often, when I am critiquing others I’ll ask:  Who is the Point of View character?  This probably isn’t technically accurate.  Point of View (POV) in fiction writing has to do with the narrator more than the character.  There are many references available on point of view, so I’ll just give a basic definition for each: […]

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Editing Anyone?

I finished the UCSD Copyediting certificate program.  The program consisted of four quarterly classes: Grammar Lab, Copyediting I, II, and II.  The editing project for the last class was pretty challenging.  I recommend this to anyone who is looking to improve their grammar skills and who wants to learn how to use copyediting marks, style sheets, and […]

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Procrastination Station

I’ve been sitting in Procrastination Station for too long.  I don’t have a good excuse except for that pesky elephant that’s been smirking at me from across the room. You know that old joke: How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time. This one is a whopper and has been daring me […]

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Time to Come Up for Air

I finished the draft of my novel tentatively titled Lion’s Pride on Christmas day.  It ended up at 108,208 words.  I still don’t like the title much, but it is the best I’ve come up with so far.  This is the final novel in my Kingdom of Haven trilogy.  I sent it out to a […]

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NaNoWriMo Karma

It never fails: when I choose to do NaNoWriMo my schedule gets squirrelly.  So far this month I’ve had four actual writing days for a total of 2835 words.  So I’m averaging about 700 words a day on those days (which is about my normal daily word count).  I have a rule that I do […]

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Grammar Ain’t for Wimps.

So I’m taking this grammar class. . . How’s that for an opening?  I imagine it would be the beginning of a horror story with grammar Nazi’s chasing you with red pens in hand.  Okay, I went to Catholic school, so it would be grammar Nazi nuns chasing me with a ruler in one hand and a […]

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My Days of No Class are at an End

Now when someone tells me I have no class, I have an answer for them.  I start a copyediting certificate program tomorrow.  First class is a grammar lab, which I’m sure will be helpful. I’ve been thinking about getting into the editing side of the business for some time.  I’ve daydreamed about sponsoring an anthology, […]

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